Archive for the 'Stimulus' Category


Not Another Stimulus Bill!

It seems like a bad Horror story, surpassed only by the Amnesty attempts.  The Stimulus is back, and iwth more Pork then ever. This despite the fact that the government has spent, at most, EIGHT PERCENT of the previous alotment.  8%.  What happened to the “THE WORLD IS BURNING AND THE STIMULUS IS THE SOLUTION!” running-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off Chicken Little act the government was putting on not even a year ago?  Seriously, what happened to it?  And why where the first jobs (and about 70% of the spent funds) used to grow government?

Washington’s Reputation is burning to the ground, and Obama is calling out the tune for the Pyromaniacs to dance too.

As Gateway Pundit has shown, Obama’s approval index is at -5! And Consumer Confidence is down to -52! And the government wants ANOTHER stimulus bill!? (And they WONDER why we feel disenfranchised…)

Whatever happened to the Free Market?  America is the modern Atlas, and the foundation upon which he stands is Capitalism.  His dias is built upon gold and silver.  And yet they seek to tear that pillar down, and send the Earth crashign down.

The only good thing about the Stimulus is that it convinced Conservatives that our, “Don’t F****** Tread On Me!” ideal doesn’t work in a world that seeks to brand us as racists and members of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. (Seriously, Socialist and Worker in one party name, how did the people of Germany NOT see this one comming?  He broadcast it for God’s sake!)  We are being forced to put away the Rhetorical rapiers and take up Rhetorical XM307’s.  (Hey, Pentagon, thank you for eliminating that Weapon’s system by the way.  It’s not like it was the best Platoon Level Support Weapon’s System in development or anything.  Oh wait…)  And it is about time too.  We are dealing with people so wrapped up in fantasy, that reality doesn’t reach them, and Rapiers will bounce off of them.

But, enough with my gripes towards the Pentagon.

Onwards with the Stimulus debate.

Michelle Malkin quoted a great memo from the GOP dealing with the failures of Porkulus.

Included among the abuses of funds are

  1. Spending to preserve current jobs, without attempts to create new jobs
  2. Transportation and Education Bureaucrats spending the money on themselves
  3. The creation of a “Job” for the sole purpose of filling out Grants for other Stimulus Jobs
  4. The creation of support jobs for the above
  5. Spending money on Propaganda Signs to promote the Stimulus

Ain’t it a great system?

At least this is hurting Obama’s chances of re-election, and pointing towards a Conservative Revolution in the House and Senate.

The Heritage Foundation has a great article on the Subject.

May 2024

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