Archive for the 'Tea Party' Category


ObamaCare Round Up and LinkFest: PART II

The Other McCain has a review of Michelle Malkin’s overview of the way Michelle Obama treated patients at the University of Chicago Hospital.  It is not pretty.

Gateway Pundit has information indicating that Obama’s Health Care Advisors want to euthenize Americans who can no longer pay more in taxes then they can receive.  Didn’t I say that OregonCare is ALREADY doing that?  Oh, that’s right, I did. ActivelyFuzed, what do you say to this?

Okie reports that  ACORN  is going after those who disagree with the President on ObamaCare.

Similar events happened in Baton Rouge recently, where ACORN siced the Police on people who where discussing ObamaCare away from the event.

The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler also has some info on a Nurse forced to preform Infantacidal Eugenics, after she was threatened with letters in her Curiculum Vitae accusing her of Insubordination and Patient Abandonment should she refuse. How long, under ObamaCare, till they use this to force Nurses to Euthenize +65 year olds who are refusing to comply with their End-of-life Counselor’s recomendations?  We already know the Top Advisors of Obama in this field are recomending this option for all those who get sick but don’t have Private Health Insurance.

Hot Air Reports that ObamaCare Activists are just ignoring the facts altogether.

At least Newt is trying to come up with something.


Free Market Warrior Kicked Out of Mall

A Conservative Kiosk in a mall in North Carolina was kicked out of the mall because the owner of the kiosk sells Conservative Merchandise, in opposition to the Liberal owner of the mall, who kicked the man out after one woman claimed the merchandise “Promoted Slavery.”  I looked at their website, and I saw nothing that promoted slavery, the closest that to it was one that said, “I guess it was easier to vote for Obama then to get a Job.”

The best merchandise they sell on their website is a roll of IRS 1040 Tax Form Toilet Paper, which I will be buying for my apartment as soon as possible.


Dennis Moore Tea Party Mk. II

There are times when I REALLY wish I had GPS.  And yesterday, between 1600-1630 was one of those days.  I tried to find Emanuel Cleaver’s office for the protest, but as I had written the adress wrong, I couldn’t find the office.  So, frustrated, I was on my way home, when someone sent a message in to 980 kmbz, telling Shanin and Parks to ask Dennis Moore to look out the window.

So, I showed up at Dennis Moore’s office around 4:45, in time for the last twenty minutes of a protest I hadn’t even been aware of until I heard about it on the radio.  I need to start finding more sources.

The good news with this though is that I was able to give my friend Kansas Meadowlark some audio of chanting for the protest video.

Also, from his blog, it would seem that there will be two Federal Reserve Protests next week, which I encourage all of you to attend.

The first one will be at Dennis Moore’s office at 1615 on Friday, and will be an Audit the Fed rally.  Please, come with chants ready, and give them to the young man in shades and carrying a Betsy Ross Flag.

The second one will be in front of the Federal Reserve Building itself, and will be a Welcome Party for Chairman Bernanke.  Any chants you give me at the Audit the Fed rally will also be used at the Welcome Party.

Just a heads up, these crowds are usually much rowdier, so come with water bottles, as you may find yourself chanting and cheering with the rest of the crowd, and that uses up more water then you think.


ObamaCare Link Fest Update: Changed size of Picture

Well, this was going to be an anylsis on ObamaCare, but it has, for the most part, become a Link Fest.

healthcare map

Gateway Pundit:

Gateway Pundit examines an Investors Business Daily article on the program.

“Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day” of the year the legislation becomes law.

So, in other words, if we go looking for new coverage after the bill comes into effect, we are stuck on Government Healthcare.  Yeah!  Not.

Gateway Pundit also declares the Good News that the public is turning on ObamaCare.

Michelle Malkin:

Michelle Malking also discusses the IBD article.

Michelle also highlighted several casualties of ObamaCare.

Her column in the papers today goes even deeper, and is a must read.

Kansas Meadowlark:

The Meadowlark has his own analysis of the plan, as well as several videos about the upcoming ObamaCare plan.

Hot Air:

Apparently, President Hopey One Obama is urging us to hurry and pass the bill before anyone reads it.

Jawa Report:

Even the Jawas are getting in on the examinations of the IBD article.

Pirate’s Cove:

The Pirates are highlighting the fact that even SEX will get more expensive under ObamaCare.

Red State:

According to Red State, Senator Snowe is sayign that Obama is wrong, we need to slow the train, not speed it up.

cl healthcareH/t: RedState for the above cartoon

Sweetness and Light:

According to S&L, ObamaCare will kill New Yorkers.

Heritage Foundation:

-The Foundry:

The Foundry presents my preferred solution to the “Health Care Crisis.”

Also, According to The Foundry, the ObamaCare Bill will allow the Government to send Government Employees into your house to determine whether or not you are raising your childer the “Correct Way.”

The Foundry also reports that the ObamaCare bill is FULL of bad ideas.

-Insider Online:

On a bit of a Tangent, The Heritage Foundation reports that Cap and Tax will bring the cost of Health Care up higher to pay for the electricity needed to use MRI’s and X-Ray’s.


Claire McCaskill Tea Party Mk. II UPDATE: Cops called on St. Louis Tea Party

I just got back from the Health Care Tea Party in front of Claire McCaskill’s office. That was fun, if small. It seems that only 20 people saw the message to come and protest, including a pair of nuns of the Franciscan Order, who delivered a number of petitions signed during the protest to the aides working in her office.

I informed them of the 1600 hours (4:00 pm) Tea Party at Emanuel Cleaver’s office, and hope to see my readers there this after noon. Until then, I plan on eating my lunch, and hydrating.

I asked the question there, and will ask it again here, If Obama chose a Eugenicist for his Science Czar, who will he chose for his Health Care Czar?

Michelle Malkin has more on the nationwide protests, including pics from our buddies in St. Louis.

Gateway Pundit has more info on the St. Louis Tea Party, where not only did they lock the doors and close the blinds (which they did at ours) but also called the cops to force them off of Public Land.  That is absolutely disgusting, and Claire McCaskill should be ashamed.  The Tea Parties have not been violent.  They have not been rude.  They are the Politest protests I have ever seen.  And Claire calls out the police to force them off public land?

One thing that did piss me off at ours, was the locking out of the Franciscan Nuns who where out with us, when they went in to deliver the petitions.  I had to pull out my Cell Phone and call them to ask them to open the doors because they where not letting us in (we had several people going in either individually or with a partner to complain).  It was disgusting.


The Crime of Nationalized Healthcare: Incoming

Well, here it comes, the WORST idea the federal government has ever had in the long, sad history of bad ideas.  To give you an idea of what we are in for, here is a comparison of Georgia and Massachusetts, special thanks to Kansas Meadowlark for the video.

Michelle Malkin is wondering whether or not the Blue Dog Democrats have been kicked around enough to the point where they are willing to break away from their Far-Left leadership.

Okie is wondering if the Science Czar is going to have any control over this health-care plan.  A worrying thought, seeing as the man is a EUGENECIST!

Sweetness and Light reports that the New York Times is calling for Healthcare Rationing.

Investors Business Daily has a rather scary editorial on some portions of the bill that have been heavily buried, and will force all those in the country to eventually wind up on Government Healthcare.

Put those last three together, and a rather scary picture starts to come into focus.

I am not one for Conspiracy Theories, but there are times, when I see how people come to believe in them.

Michelle Malkin has one good idea on how to stop this.

If you live in the Kansas City Area, please, go to the Health Care Protest tomorrow in front of Emanuel Cleaver’s office.  Information can be found here. This is so important to me, that I am ditching an Elder’s Concert for it.  Are you willing to go the distance to protect your right to control your own destiny?

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