Posts Tagged ‘Ginsburg


Holdren: Eco-Eugenicist

I HATE eugenics.  It is why I oppose Abortion.  It is why I oppose Embryonic Stem-Cell Research.

I also hate the Church of Global Warming.

So, when those two things come together, what do you get?  Me, doing my best imitation of Vesuvius.  At least it ain’t Krakatoa.

Right now, the Science Czar (Shocker!) is a EUGENICIST!  The man has discussed the use of Forced Sterilization and Forced Abortions on “Undesirables” by a Transnational Regime.

And if that weren’t enough, according to Zombie, the man STILL BELIEVES THIS CRAP!

My God, I sound like a New World Order guy, but there it is.  The man believes this crap!

And, with a Supreme Court Justice (I am looking at you Ginsburg) who is sympathetic to his views, it feels like I am stuck in some bad Conspiracy Theory movie.  If this keeps going, I think I would rather live in Israel, where my enemies tell me to my face they want to kill me off because of who I am, rather then trying to keep me in the dark.

And, on top of all of that, THE EARTH IS COOLING! When will we wake up people!?


Eugenicists on the Hill

Recently, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has admitted that she is a Eugenicist.  And I must say, that I am not as surprised as some.  Afterall, Eugenics is an inherently Progressive position, and Abortion is Eugenics.

Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.

Well, Justice Ginsburg, I would like to know, who are these “Undesirables?”

However, she is not the only Eugenicist to come out of the closet of late.  Obama’s Science Czar, John Holdren, has announced he believes that Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilizations are necessary in order to curb Global Warming.  Zombie has the rather macabre details of this tyranical concept.


Sotomayor Overturned

Sotomayor, the member of racial supremacist organization La Raza, has been overruled by the Supreme Court today, in the matter of Ricci v. DeStefano, when they found that the city of New Haven had in fact used a disctiminatory racial basis for determing promotions within the department.

As background, the New Haven Fire Department uses a test to determine the eligibility of a Fireman to advance to the rank of Lieutenant, similar to that used during WWI and WWII to determine who among hte enlisted ranks in the armed forces had the potential to be an officer.

A number of applicants took the tests for Lieutenant and Captain.  With a limited number of spots available (7 for the Captain’s slot, 8 for the Lieutenant’s Slot), the top scoring applicants would move on to the next level.

In those results, no black applicants met the minimum score necessary to be eligible for the position.

The Civil Service Board of the City of New Haven threw out the results, because there where not enough black people in the finalist pool.

One of the Firemen, lead plaintiff Frank Ricci, testified to the board, that he had incurred over a thousand dollars in expenses, and had even payed a friend to read the text books he needed to study on tape, so that Ricci could overcome his Dyslexia to study for the test.

Today, Kennedy led Alito, Scalia, Roberts, and Thomas in the Majority Opinion that the dismissal of the test on the basis of race was a violation of Title VII.

Ginsburg led the dissent, along with Stevens, Souter, and Breyer.

If you read the opinion though, it reads more like a 9-0, and is a rather, confusing opinion decision and seems to be more a rebuff of Sotomayor.

Watching the Supreme Court of late, it seems like everyone else might as well stadn down, and we should just let Kennedy decide issues based on which side of the bed he wakes up on, as every case of late seems to come down to how Kennedy decided to vote, and as someone who loves the constitution, this sickens me.

More on the story can be found at the following:

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Gateway Pundit

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