Posts Tagged ‘Darla Jaye


Straw Poll and Cap and Trade Protest (UPDATED)

I had a busy day out being political today.  Today was the date of the Johnson County Strawpoll.  So, I donned my FairTax T-Shirt and Hat, and headed on out.  Little did I know, as it was my first time at a Strawpoll, it costs money to vote in these things.  Annoying, but something I will remember for next time I got to one.

I wound up hooking up with the FairTax people out at the Straw Poll, and introduced a number of people to the FairTax.  I also had to pass over more then I talked with, as it seemed like so many there already supported the idea.  Always a good thing to hear.

While at the FairTax booth, I met up with Jeff Locke, the 2nd Congressional District Coordinator for the FairTax.  He is planning on running for the State Legislature for South East Kansas, and I encourage my readers to support his bid.  I will do a longer post on him come Friday as the first of my Freedom Friday Posts on the FairTax.

The guys from Campaign for Liberty and the Hope for America Coalition where at the Strawpoll, collecting signatures on a petition to support HR 1207 The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, as brought before the House by Representative Ron Paul (R-TX 14).

Despite the support for the petition, he did not do as well in the Strawpoll, with Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin gaining a large number of votes, and Bobby Jindal coming in with a lower number.  As a Jindal 2012 supporter, that does not make me very happy, but Huckabee does support the FairTax, so I need to balance it out.  Plus, Huckabee has support from Chuck Norris, and I fear Chuck.

Kris Kobach, a local Constitutional Scholar, did very well in the Strawpoll, and looks to have a large support in the upcoming race for the new Secretary of State.

The largest winner though, might have been Darla Jaye, the host of 980 at LIVE with Darla Jaye on News Radio 980 KMBZ.  Everyone at the Strawpoll walked around with a Draft Darla sticker somewhere, and they did not bring enough.

Kansas Meadowlark was out there, camera in hand, documenting the events, and will hopefully have more information about the event on his website, as I had forgotten to bring a pad of paper and a pen with me.

Amanda Grosserode with the Kansas City Tea Party was out there networking, and spreading word about the protest at the Johnson County Court House afterwords.

The protest against HR 2454 America Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 was modestly sized, not bad for a protest with only 24 hours notice.  Kansas Meadowlark had someplace else to be, but Nice Deb stuck around to document the protest.  I am in the pictures somewhere, but I won’t be saying who.

There where some great signs at the protest, including one which read “Enjoy Your A/C While You Still Can.”  All of them can be seen on Nice Deb’s site.

We had a number of honks, but we also had more hecklers then normal, and that was rather interesting.  I kinda like having hecklers, as it means that people are at least looking at what we are saying.

Update: Kansas Meadowlark has the results, and a great video of Darla Jaye’s speech.  I encourage all of you to go and read the post.

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