Archive for the 'Technology' Category


Healthcare Solutions

This is going to be a brainstorming post that I will be coming back to from time to time to update with new ideas I have on how to fix the healthcare “Crisis” in the United States without government control.  Free Markets rock, and will be the basis of my ideas.

There will be a poll, so please, tell me which ones you like best

  1. Healthcare Savings Accounts: the widespread use of HSA’s would probablly mean the posting of Healthcare Service Costs in a Doctor’s office, and would make the whole system more competitive, and as I ranted a while ago, Competition is Life, Stagnation is Death.
  2. Insurance Choices: I call this the Progressive Auto Insurance Style of Health Insurance shopping (they really should sponsor me for as often as I mention them in this blog) where, like they show in the commercials, you walk in, tell them what you want to cover and how much you want to pay, and work out a policy that works for you.  Combine with an HSA, and we should be able to bring down the cost of Healthcare for everyone.
  3. Opening Up of State Borders: Let people go shopping.  There are over 300 Health Insurance Companies in the United States of America, yet the average citizen has access to about 2% of them because he lives in the wrong state.  Let us buy whatever policy we want to buy, and supplement it with additional care as we see fit.
  4. Loser Pays Tort Reform: Right now, every time that a malpractice case is filed against your doctor, YOUR Health Insurance Premium goes up.  This is for a VERY simple reason.  As the costs of their Malpractice Insurance Costs increase, so that their Malpractice Insurance Company can pay for their Lawyer, in order for them to stay in business (because, like it or not, For Profit ANYTHING work harder then Not-For Profit) they must pass off the costs into an increase in the cost of service, and like all shit, it rolls down hill onto you and me.  If we create a Loser Pays system, it will create a greater burden of proof on Plaintiffs, and will prevent cases like the John Edwards Cesarean Section case that resulted in 45% of all children being born in needless C-Sections…
  5. Reducing the Corporate Taxes on Pharmaceutical Companies: This forces companies overseas, and adds an increase to their Overhead.  Thanks to these Corporate Taxes, many of our Pharmaceutical companies are moving overseas to Ireland, creating a Shipping Overhead that we have to pay, on top of the Corporate Tax Overhead that already exists because they do business in the United States.  The FairTax would go a ways towards fixing THAT problem.

Those are just a few thoughts.  Vote in the poll to tell me which you think would work best (and feel free to vote for more then one).


The Raptor Falls

As a young man who seeks to serve and protect the Constitution of the Untied States of America, it saddens and angers me when I see a beautiful weapon laid to rest before it’s time for reasons of politics and budgets.

In Obama’s rush to bankrupt the United States of America, the world’s most advanced War Fighter, the F-22 Raptor, has been laid in the ground.

For those unfamiliar with this beautiful piece of Aeronatuics, the F-22 Raptor is the world’s first true Stealth Fighter.  On top of that, the Raptor is capable of acting in all of the following roles with no modifications, save a changeout of it’s weapon load outs.

Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures

Ground Attack


Air Superiority Fighter

Interceptor Fighter

Airborne Early Warning Aircraft

Anti-Submarine Warfare

In short, everything that the F-117, B-2, F-16, F-15E, F/A-18E, E/A-6B Prowler, etc.

In fact, the only small aircraft I wouldn’t replace with the F-22 is the A-10, because the A-10 has that beautiful chain gun built to penetrate the armor on a TANK, and the Harrier, because that is going to be replaced with the F-35 JSF.

So why is this amazing weapons system being scrapped?  Because Obama needs that 350 Million for his Healthcare Plan.  That’s right, Obama is scrapping the most potent tool for Freedom in favor of making us Dependent upon the Government.

Obama, you make me sick.


Internet Counter Jihad Kill Orders

The Jawa Report has handed down Kill Orders for a number of Terrorist Websites, time to make dead.  MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!


Space Shuttle Launch

I don’t know how many here keep track of the Shuttle Program, but, as someone in love with Space, I like to follow it.  So, I thought I would post some pictures of the Shuttle Launch for everyone to watch.

Location: Banana River Launch Site

Location: Camera Site 2

Location: External Fuel Tank

Starting about 7:25, you can see the Aurora in that video, where Solar Particles and Radiation meets the Geo-Magnetic Field.  Very Cool.  And from about 8:36 to 9:00, you can watch the External Fuel Tank fall away.

Location: KSC DOAMS

Wow, look at those flares from the SRB’s…

I will start to do this with all of the rest of the lift-offs for the next ten years, until Orion 15 takes Altair 2 on the return trip to the Moon, when I hope NASA does something similar to that We Choose The Moon project that AOL is doing.

Speaking of which, I hope EVERYBODY turns to that website on Monday for the Live Landing.


The Israeli Miracle (Up Next: The Japanese Miracle?)

In the ground-shifting anime and manga, Ghost in the Shell, there exists something called the Japanese Miracle.  It is a nanite system that is able to eat and process radiation into something that is safe for humanity to encounter.  Well, Israel is working on something similar, with a new medication that safely protects people from the radiation effects of a nuclear bomb.

I vote we call it the Israeli Miracle.


Cap and Trade: Cyanide for the Economy

Well, on Friday, Cap and Trade passed through the Hosue of Represenatives with the help of Eight Traitor Republicans.  Shame on you for voting to place the chains of tyranny on my generation, and the one behind me.

Before I discuss the chains that HR 2454 places upon us, I would like to mention one good thing.  It puts funds into research and production of Algae Based Bio-Diesel.  This is the only truly sustainable and non-intrusive idea in the bill.  If we were to convert acreage of United States farmland, we would need at most 1-2% of total acreage to grow enough Algae to fuel the country’s transportation systems.  And, unlike Switchgrass (which would require approximately 75% of current acreage) and Corn (Subsidised in the Cap and Trade Bill, and requiring 109% of current acreage) Algae based bio-fuels can be grown in skyscrapers, in deserts, in space, or even on the moon, thus not requiring a reduction in the global food supply that Ethanol Corn would create.  On top of that, a gallon of Algae Bio-Fuel is 103% more efficient then a comparable quantity of Diesel.

However, as noted above, HR 2454 puts a large quantity of funding into Ethanol Corn Subsidies, a worthless and, quite frankly stupid, enterprise that will have large negative effects across the planet.

The United States is one of the world’s breadbaskets, along with the Nile Floodplain and Delta, and the Chinese River Country.  If we continue to follow this reckless path, then the price of Ethanol Corn will go up, at a rate where other farmers in other nations will abandon Wheat, Rice, and Soy for Ethanol Corn, reducing the Global Food Supply.  This will increase starvation across the globe, and result in massive civil unrest, to the point of creating a Fracture War.

And, as grain is a major American export, this will further the trade imbalance, and result in a nation that continues to grow weaker, as we have to import grain from outside the country, from nations such as Egypt and China, giving China further control over the United States, as they can then threaten to cut off food shipments if we do not do as they say.

And this isn’t even going into the effects this will have on Employment, GDP, Energy Costs, Goverment Control, or Government Intrusiveness.  Those are for later posts…

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